Print Design

Graphic Design in OKC

Graphic Design in OKC Graphic design is all around us, in the ads we see, the logos on products we use, and the websites we visit. As a result, it is easy to take for granted the hard work that goes into creating these designs. However, the process of graphic design is

Graphic Design in OKC2023-03-09T11:27:06-06:00

Ways to Make Your Print Project Great

Ways to Make Your Print Project Great Designing for print can be a daunting task. Mistakes can be sometimes difficult to predict as well as costly, and not as easily fixable as on web. It takes careful consideration and planning to account for the differences of designing for print instead of digital

Ways to Make Your Print Project Great2023-03-09T11:28:44-06:00

Why Understanding Graphic Design is Important for Your Business

Why Understanding Graphic Design is Important for Your Business When you’re running a company, you’ve got a lot to worry about without thinking about other disciplines or facets of a business that are better relegated to other people. Something like graphic design can easily fall to the wayside when you’re more worried

Why Understanding Graphic Design is Important for Your Business2019-07-08T09:46:36-05:00

Do’s and Don’ts of Print Design

Do's and Don'ts of Print Design While they seem similar on the surface, designing for print is in fact a totally different beast than digital design. While you have similar goals and design rules, print has certain restrictions that digital simply doesn’t have. Elements such as size and color are totally affected

Do’s and Don’ts of Print Design2019-07-08T09:45:24-05:00

Arcadia Brands and Craft Concentrates

The medicinal marijuana industry is starting to soar in Oklahoma.  With the recent change in laws that allow for medicinal marijuana to be purchased, several new companies are emerging.  SEEHAWK has been fortunate to work on two new brands in this new industry, Craft Concentrates and Arcadia Brands.  If you are starting out in

Arcadia Brands and Craft Concentrates2021-12-23T11:36:09-06:00